Anet.inf - Anet Game Information File Format



This file is used by Anet, by patch programs, and by the standard splash screen's Customer Support function.

The file is divided into three sections: [Activenet], [Version Info], and [Product Info].

Some of these sections contain numbers or codes assigned by a central authority. In these cases, the authority to contact to get a new code is clearly identified.


The [ActiveNet] section is used by the Anet library, which handles crash reporting, online gaming, and autoupdating. It is also used when launching into the game from third-party shells.

It contains the following fields:

Assigned Numbers Authority

To get new sessionType, Language, or Platform codes assigned, or to get answers to questions about them, contact Dan Kegel, [email protected].

[Version Info]

This section contains information used by the 'CS' screen and by patch programs. (This used to be found in the file ver.txt.)

This contains the following fields:

[Product Info]

This section is used by register.exe. (This info used to be the product.ini file.)

It contains the following fields:

Registry Usage

Game Browser Registry Usage

Games that can be launched by third-party game networks should have their installers create a key in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Activision/Activenet/Applications/ containing a subkey named 'Cwd' containing the absolute path to the directory the game is installed in. This allows us to browse the installed launchable games on this system.

If we wanted to allow multiple versions of a game to be installed on the same machine, this key should have a different name for each sessionType/language/platform combination. The suggested registry key in that case would be SessionType.Platform.Language, e.g. 1101.1.2 for Heavy Gear version 1.0 / Win95 / German, and patches should rename this registry key if they change the sessionType. That is, the Heavy Gear 1.1 -> 1.2 patch should change the registry key from 1101.1.2 to 1102.1.2, because Heavy Gear 1.2's SessionType is 1102.

If we don't want to allow multiple versions of a game to be installed, this key should be the unvarying unique key for the product. For example, this key could use the same name as the subkey created under the Uninstall key (described below).

Uninstaller / Splash Screen Registry Usage

Product installers must create a subkey under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall/, such as Activision_HeavyGear2UninstallKey.

Note that this key identifier is yet another identifier for the product. It has the following requirements: it cannot change from version to version of the product, since it is hardcoded in the CD-ROM.

The values contained in this key are:

Other than these two registry keys, nothing else should be added by installers and patching programs, if avoidable, as it is wise not to rely on the registry to store any valuable information other than the location of the installed product.


Here is the ANET.INF for an installation of a hypothetical German version 1.3 (build 2.44) of Heavy Gear:
Name=Heavy Gear

[Version Info]

[Product Info]
ProductName=Heavy Gear
To have the installer install this anet.inf file, it would be recommended to put the following partial anet.inf file in the same directory as the installer's setup.exe file (and have no other instances of the anet.inf file on the CD-ROM):

[Version Info]

[Product Info]
ProductName=Heavy Gear
and then have the installer install this file and have it add the following lines:
the values of these lines are best added by the installer at install time because: At run time, the installer would also create the the Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Activision/Activenet/Applications/'UninstallKey', where 'UninstallKey' is the CD-ROM hardcoded subkey name also used under the Uninstall registry key described above. The single string value "Cwd" in this key would be set to "C:\Programm Dateien\Activision\Heavy Gear", or whatever the user chose as a target directory.


There is some duplication between the sections of this file. Duplication should be reduced in the future, and some of these fields be made obsolete, by changing the fields used by some of our programs to match the fields used by other programs.

There are many different versions of the human-readable product name.

There are many different versions of a unique key identifying the product. Some must change from version to version; some must remain the same.

The notion of version number is under debate. Some people want it to be a floating-point number; others want it to be two integers separate by a period. This is not a trivial distinction, as it radically changes how one compares version numbers.

Dan Kegel

Ben Siron