Anet: A Network Game Programming Library
Anet (aka Activenet, Activlink) was created at Activision
in 1995, and was used by various companies
to create twenty-odd multiplayer games
for MS-DOS, Macintosh, Windows 95, and Linux
between 1995 and 2001. Activision has graciously agreed to
release the source code for Anet under the GNU Lesser Public License.
Anet is a peer-to-peer networking system; it also supports
a central chat server.
The source code is available here: anet-0.10.tar.gz.
Mailing List
There's now a mailing list for people who run anet servers;
see, or send a message to [email protected] to join.
Crash Logger
anet includes a crash logging facility which may predate Great Circle Talkback.
Here are the files involved:
Note that it's highly intertwined with the game server code,
so it would need a bit of work to extract and make useful in
other situations.
Master List
A master list of games and servers is available at
Game servers can pull updates from that url. Please send updates to dank at